Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pammy's Work Day

Today started off as normal as it always does. Pammy got up and got Cameron off to school and got ready to go to work for the charity today. I got up a few minutes before she left to tell her goodbye and that I love her. She left me a nice little list like she always does. It consisted of going to the bank, watering the garden, taking the ironing over to her moms (which I didn't do), making a few phone calls, and doing laundry. I got Breanna out of bed and fed her breakfast, got her dressed and we left for the bank came back home and ate lunch. She laid down for a nap and I done the laundry and watched a few movies that I've been wanting to watch. I also gave the dogs their baths. Pammy called to check on me like she always does. When Breanna got up she was wanting Cameron to get home so they could go out and play. So I told her to go and play and he would be home before she knew it. When Cameron got home the kids went out and played for a bit. Then they took the dogs for a walk on the leash to the stop sign. When they got back it was thundering. I took the training wheels off Breanna's bike and told her we were going to work on riding without them. Then we went inside because it was starting to rain a little bit. Pammy called and said she was on her way home and what was for dinner. We decided on eating BBQ. It was pretty good. Then we came home and got our showers and settled in for the night. Hope you enjoy reading this cause this is my first entry on the blog it may sound like I do nothing but ramble on...which is probably what I do but anyway. Hope you enjoy. Good night and good luck.

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