Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Garden

Well we finally did it! We officially have a garden. They say that for every$100 you spend for a home garden you can produce up to $1200 worth of fresh vegetables. Isn't that awesome? Of course it is our first and not that big, but an accomplishment for us. We decided if we do well this year we will put more planning into it next year. Here are a few pictures of the finished product. We have a pretty good variety...carrots, several types of tomatoes, cucumbers, white squash, two types yellow squash, two types watermelon, cantaloupe, beans, two types of lettuce, and bell peppers. I think we picked some good items. The kids were so excited at first and got bored really easy and off to the bikes and scooters. Oh well...I'm sure they will get more excited when they actually see something on the plants. I think with the economy that a lot of families will be like us and plant a garden for the first time.

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