Monday, November 2, 2009

Trunk or Treat a few days late.

Well I got so busy this weekend, I just couldn't find the time to get on here. Forgive me faithful followers, lol.

We got up Halloween morning and Kevin, Christopher and Cameron went straight outside to work on carving pumpkins (they spent over two hours working on their creations). Breanna stayed inside with me and watched the Halloween on Ice show and made more ghost suckers to hand out. It was a real trying day...I think the kids were just so excited they didn't know the concept of listening. For lunch we had leftover pizza...can't go wrong there with the kids. We started getting ready for our trunk or treat. I decorated the trunk with fall items. Everyone knows I'm not that into Halloween, so I was really limited on my selection. I think I did pretty good. The kids got ready; Breanna was Hannah Montana and got all glamorous with the makeup and all, Cameron was a Stick Man (would have looked really good in the dark but you know kids, costume off after about an hour) and Chris was the Hot Dog Vendor. As you can see he had a walking dog for advertisement. Dobie was out hot dog, Opie was the clown and Mojo was the bee...they were a hit. It was a little cold for them but the kids really enjoyed it. We had close to 700 ghost suckers made and came home with maybe 30. I have to admit that towards the end we gave more than one out and we did have a few repeat treater's, but a lot of kids showed least over 500. My Beef Stew was a hit. I am going to go back and change the 2 cans of peas to 1 on my recipe (just didn't need the other).

Sunday we got up and went to the early service. With the time change nobody seemed to really notice. Cameron had to work on a Civil War Report. He had to do a poster, 1 page report and prepare to give and oral report. He decide to do it on the Battle of Bull Run. I was very impressed once he got started how well he did. Of course Kevin kept him interested and guided him. When you have a child like Cameron you have to pick a good day to do a project like this. Thank goodness all went well. For lunch we had hamburgers and Cameron sauteed mushrooms and onions. He was so proud...he is become a good cook. I made some baked beans, which always seem to be a hit. Not much was left over. Thank goodness we got the house cleaned also. It was a very productive day.

One thing I did do is check out the saving at Walgreen's. So excited...I bought $108.82 in items and only paid $49.47. That was a savings of $59.35 and 55%. Awesome!!!!

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